10 Reasons Why You Should Book a Massage TodayYou know that massage is good for you, whether you’ve had one in the past and enjoyed the positive effects or you’re just curious about...
Why is an Intake Form Necessary?For many, the idea of massage as healthcare is still a foreign concept, so often it’s not understood why massage therapists require all...
5 Conditions That Can Benefit From MassageWhile many consider massage therapy to be a luxury or simply for relaxation purposes, you might be surprised to know that massage has...
4 Common Causes of Muscle CrampsAt some point in your life you’ve probably had muscle cramps; when a muscle that normally only does what you tell it to do, suddenly gets...
Massage and MigrainesLet’s just say it…migraines are awful! They’re a painful, debilitating, and all-too-common problem for many people. It’s estimated that...
7 Easy Self-Care TipsWhile massage therapy can have benefits that last days or weeks at a time, that doesn’t mean you can neglect your body every day in...
What is Frozen Shoulder?Frozen shoulder, also called Adhesive Capsulitis, is a condition characterized by thick bands of tissue (adhesions) forming around the...
Massage as a Back Pain KillerA regular massage is often considered to be a treat, rather than a necessity. Most people believe that having a massage is good for aches...
Self Care - Looking After Yourself Between MassagesWouldn’t it be amazing if we could have a massage every day of the week? Sadly, most of us don’t have the time or the money to indulge in...
5 Reasons Why You Should Never Feel Guilty Getting a MassagePeople everywhere, especially women, seem to feel guilty about taking time out to look after themselves. Trust me, I am guilty of it too!...